I currently store information like this inside of 1Password, but it would be a great feature for folks who rely on Safari Keychain to be able to digitize this content quickly.

Inside the iOS app, each one has a Scan next to the list to bring it into the app quickly. The OneDrive app promotes storing items like passports, tax records, insurance information, property deeds, driver’s license, budgets, and more. Types of documents for a Secure iCloud Drive folder As I started using the OneDrive iPhone app, I quickly began to wonder why Apple hasn’t created a secure iCloud Drive folder with Touch ID and Face ID support. Microsoft announced it back in June, and it rolled out worldwide in October. When I was using the OneDrive app, I noticed it had a Personal Vault section that I thought would be a great addition to iCloud Drive for storing sensitive files. Since I keep an active Microsoft Office subscription, I thought I would use the 1TB of storage as another place to upload my photos. I am always looking for new ways to back up my photos, though. I love how integrated it is into macOS and iOS, and I long ago moved most of my documents away from Dropbox (except for Shared Folders). Double-click at any time to open it you'll need to type in the password to complete the process.I love iCloud Drive. dmg file just as you would any other file. Once the system finishes encrypting the folder, click 'Done'. Next, next to 'Image Format', selection 'Read/Write'.

On the next screen, choose your level of encryption (128-bit or 256-bit AES Encryption) and your password.

Choose the folder you wish to add a password to, then click 'Choose'. On the top of the menu, select File > New Image > Image from Folder. To encrypt the data, go to the Finder > Applications > Utilities folder. Before getting started, make sure to add all of the relevant files into the folder you wish to encrypt. This provides a great solution when sharing folders. If encrypting your entire computer seems unnecessary for your situation, you can encrypt individual folders on your computer.